For companies that want to expand into the Southeast Asian region, Indonesia may be a good choice, because Indonesia has many advantages compared to other Southeast Asian countries. If your company wants to set up a representative office in Indonesia, you need to consider a few things before setting up a representative office:
There are several types of representative offices in Indonesia, namely:
1. Foreign Company Representative Office (KPPA)
KPPA is the simplest type of representative office, besides that KPPA can only carry out limited activities, including as a supervisor, liaison, coordinator, and managing the interests of the company or its affiliated companies, conducting market research, preparing for business establishment and development. foreign investment companies in Indonesia or in other countries and Indonesia.
2. Foreign Trade Company Representative Office (KP3A)
KP3A is a type of representative office that can carry out more activities than KPPA, namely:
- carry out activities to introduce, promote and advance the marketing of goods produced by a foreign company or a combination of foreign companies abroad who appoint them, as well as provide information or instructions for the use and import of goods to domestic companies/users.
- carry out market research and supervision of domestic sales in the context of marketing goods from a foreign company or a combination of foreign companies that appoint them abroad.
- conduct market research on goods needed by a foreign company or a combination of foreign companies abroad who appoint them and connect and provide information and instructions regarding the conditions for exporting goods to domestic companies.
- close the contract for and on behalf of the company that appointed them with a domestic company in the context of export.
3. Representative Office of Foreign Construction Services Company (BUJKA)
BUJKA is a representative office that provides consulting services for construction work planning, construction work implementation services, and construction work supervision consulting services.
4. Representative Office of Foreign Electric Power Support Service Company (KPJPTLA)
KPJPTLA is a representative office that carries out activities in the field of supporting electricity, namely:
- consultancy in the field of Electrical Power Supply Installation
- construction and installation of Electrical Power Supply Devices
- inspection and testing of electrical power devices
- operation of electric power devices
- electrical power device maintenance
- research and development
- education and training
- laboratory for testing equipment and electricity consumption
- sertifikasi peralatan dan pemanfaat tenaga listrik
- Sertifikasi Kompetensi Tenaga Teknik Ketenagalistrikan
- usaha jasa lain yang secara langsung berkaitan dengan penyediaan tenaga listrik
Jika kantor perwakilan anda mempekerjakan tenaga kerja asing, ada kewajiban bagi anda untuk menunjuk tenaga kerja lokal sebagai pendamping tenaga kerja asing tersebut. Selain itu ada ketentuan perizinan mengharuskan kantor perwakilan anda untuk mempekerjakan tenaga kerja lokal.
Untuk mendirikan kantor perwakilan di Indonesia, anda perlu mempersiapkan beberapa dokumen yang telah dilegalisasi dari negara asal perusahaan anda, pada umumnya yaitu:
a. Akta Perusahaan di Negara Asal
b. Surat Penunjukan Kepala Kantor Perwakilan di Indonesia
c. Surat Pernyataan Kepala Kantor Perwakilan
d. Surat Referensi dari Kedutaan Indonesia/ Perwakilan BKPM di negara asal
e. Surat Pernyataan Akan Mendirikan Kantor
Setelah semua langkah-langkah diatas selesai anda lakukan, anda sudah dapat mendaftarkan kantor perwakilan anda melalui OSS RBA here untuk mendapatkan NIB dan izin lain yang diperlukan. Jika anda telah memiliki kantor perwakilan, anda juga memiliki kewajiban yang harus dipenuhi, silahkan baca artikel berikut ini:
Kewajiban Kantor Perwakilan Perusahaan Asing (KPPA) di Indonesia
Demikian artikel Pendirian – Kantor Perwakilan Perusahaan Asing di Indonesia, semoga dapat membantu anda.