The clinic is one of the health facilities that help the community and the government in dealing with Covid-19. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 9 of 2014 concerning Clinics ("MoH Regulation 9/2014"), the definition of a clinic is a health care facilities that provides individual health care that provide basic and/or specialist medical services. During the current Covid-19 pandemic, many hospitals are unable to serve all patients, due to the large queues and limited space and health personnel. This phenomenon requires people to look for other options to get health services, in this case the clinic is the best choice in order continue to get health services.
However, with the current increasing need for health services, many clinics are not operating legally, some of them do not have permits. For those of you who have a clinic but do not have a permit, the following we will describe how to get a clinic license after the implementation of the Risk-Based OSS, namely:
Before starting a clinical business, you must first establish your business entity. Based on Article 4 paragraph (2) of the MoH Regulation 9/2014, clinics can be established by individuals or business entities, so for those of you who want to establish a clinic without a business entity/individual, you do not need to establish a business entity. More about the establishment of a business entity, you can read the following article.
Important Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Business In Indonesia
Clinics based on the type of service are divided into 2 types, namely the primary clinic and the main clinic. Each type of clinic provides different services, the primary clinic provides general or special basic medical services, while the main clinic provides specialized medical services or basic and specialist medical services. So for those of you who want to set up a clinic that provides special medical services such as a beauty specialist clinic, a neurologist clinic, a dental specialist clinic and others, it is advisable to choose the main type of clinic. Especially for those of you who set up a clinic with a foreign investment business entity (PMA), you are required to establish a clinic with the main type of clinic.
After the implementation of the Risk-Based OSS, the implementation of licensing in Indonesia changed completely, including clinical licensing. Currently, the basis for implementing clinical licensing is Minister of Health Regulation Number 14 of 2021 concerning Standards for Business Activities and Products in the Implementation of Risk-Based Business Licensing in the Health Sector (“MoH Regulation 14/2021”).
Untuk mendapatkan izin klinik anda harus memenuhi standar dan mengupload syarat yang diperlukan melalui sistem OSS sebagaimana di tetapkan dalam Permenkes 14/2021, antara lain:
A. Special Requirement
1. Daftar sarana, prasarana, bangunan, peralatan dan daftar obat-obatan dan bahan habis pakai
2. Daftar SDM sesuai dengan kewenangan dan kompetensi dan struktur organisasi.
3. Daftar jenis pelayanan kesehatan pada Klinik
4. Dokumen Surat Izin Praktik (SIP) semua tenaga kesehatan yang bekerja di Klinik
5. Dokumen perjanjian kerja sama pembuangan limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun
6. Dokumen Izin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Asing (IMTA) bila Klinik mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Warga Negara Asing
B. Facilities
Klinik memiliki sarana, prasarana, peralatan dan prosedur untuk:
1. menjamin mutu pelayanan
2. memastikan keamanan, kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja petugas Klinik (tenaga kesehatan dan non-kesehatan); dan
3. pengendalian dan penanganan limbah medis yang dihasilkan (tidak termasuk pengangkutan, pengolahan dan pemusnahan
After you complete the required requirements, officers from PTSP and the District/City Health Office will conduct a conformity survey to your clinic. Specifically for clinics established by PMA business entities, a conformity survey will be carried out by the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health, District/City Health Offices, and Provincial Health Offices. It is recommended that you prepare all documents related to the clinic at the time of the survey. After a conformity assessment and your clinic is declared to have met the standards, you will get a standard certificate which has been verified through the OSS system. The standard certificate is valid for a period of 5 (five years).
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